Abstract |
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) is proposed as the next flagship project at CERN, it envisions an electron-positron collider phase (FCC-ee) followed by a proton-proton collider (FCC-hh) in the same 91km-circumference tunnel, reaching a center-of-mass energy of 100 TeV. While the FCC-ee offers unprecedented precision measurements of the Higgs properties and will improve by orders of magnitude the precision of key electroweak parameters, the FCC-hh stands out for a mass reach for direct discovery of particles up to several tens of TeV.
The proposed accelerators for FCC and the status of the ongoing FCC feasibility study will be introduced and motivated. Benchmark physics channels will be presented, defining the performance requirements that experiments at the FCC will face. The ALLEGRO detector concept will be discussed with focus on the noble-liquid based electromagnetic calorimeter that was adapted for high read-out granularity enabling modern signal reconstruction techniques and particle flow.